© Óscar Collazo
11. Marie de France.4800X3600
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21. BNF-fr-854-f140r.Azalais. 4800x3600
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10. Christine de Pizan.4800X3600
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Miguel García-Fernández

Equipo de trabajo

Miguel García-Fernández majored in History with an emphasis in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods at the University of Santiago de Compostela [USC] (2011) and completed the senior thesis As mulleres nos testamentos galegos da Idade Media (2012). Additionally, he has a Masters Degree on Medieval Studies, Estudios Medievales Europeos. Imágenes, textos y contextos at the same university (2012). He obtained several studies awards and prizes: the Premio Fin de Carrera from Xunta de Galicia (2012), the Premios Extraordinarios of Degree and Master from USC (2013) and the 3th Premio Fin de Carrera from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (2014). He is currently recipient of an FPU Scholarship: Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and he is part of the research personnel in training in the Research Group GI-2108 Historia social de Galicia en la Edad Media, while writing his PhD on The position of women in medieval society. An analysis of the testamentary practice in Galicia from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries directed by Prof. Dr. Ermelindo Portela Silva.

He has been a grant holder at the CSIC with a Scholarchip JAE-Intro in 2009 and 2010, he also had an intern scholarship at the Department of Medieval and Modern History at the USC (2011/2011), and a predoctoral scholarship from the Xunta de Galicia in the same department (2012-2013). He has been cooperating since 2010 with the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos “Padre Sarmiento” where he was an intern and researcher in the proyects Mulleres con poder ao final da Idade Media: colección de documentos and Mulleres con poder ao final da Idade Media: o testamento, a morte e a memoria, directed both by Dr. Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés. Also, he has undertaken two research stays at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with Professor Amélia Aguiar Andrade, and at the Department of History  o the University of Exeter with Prof.  Simon Barton.

His main line of research focuses on women’s history and gender relationships in medieval Galicia,  being coorganizer of the conference “I Encontro Interdisciplinar de Historia de Xénero. As mulleres na Historia de Galicia” (2011 with Proceedings published in 2012), the seminars “Mulleres con poder ao final da Idade Media” (2011), and “Seminarios de Especialización en Historia Medieval” as well as the international conference  “Reinas e Infantas en los Reinos Medievales Ibéricos” (2014). Since 2011 he has participated in several conferences and seminars across Spain and Europe.

More information: http://miguelgarciafernandez.weebly.com/

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